Privacy Policy

Counterfeit Alert!

To all our valued users, we urge you to be vigilant. Retyn is an exclusive product and available through Third-party platforms or other brands are counterfeiting our product. Retyn products available on those websites are not authorized by us and do not represent the true standards of Retyn.

For official Retyn Products, and prices, you must contact Retyn directly from

What is a Counterfeit Product?

Counterfeit refers to products that falsely claim to represent the brand (Retyn) and violate trademark laws. They may appear similar to our official offerings but are not made or authorized by us. Thus, counterfeiting means the sale of our products without our consent.

Our Trademark Policy

Retyn upholds a strict trademark protection policy that outlines our rights and specifies that violations are subject to legal action. We reserve the right to refuse any trademark usage requests unless a formal partnership or business relationship exists.

We do not allow or encourage the unauthorized use of our trademark or services to cause confusion. This includes our logo, slogan, colors and other brand elements.

What is Trademark Infringement?

Trademark infringement refers to the unauthorized use of our trademarks to deceive customers about the source of a product.

Privacy and Personal Information

Your privacy and the security of our confidential data are important to us. We only collect personal information that you voluntarily submit through a fill-in form. This information is used to prevent unauthorized access. We do not employ tracking technologies to gather personal information when you access our site. Most browsers are preset to accept cookies and any removal or rejection of the cookies may affect the overall website performance.

Cookie Policy

Retyn uses cookies to make your website experience better and unique. We don't collect or store your personal information. Cookies help us remember what you prefer and help us figure out which campaigns work best. This helps us make better decisions and understand marketing trends and patterns.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small file stored on your device (browser) when you visit a website. It identifies you to a website for a better user experience but does not collect personal data from your device.

Web Analytics

We use Google Analytics to access user data just to determine website metrics. This data helps us understand the popularity of our website content, traffic and user engagement.

Anti-Spam Policy

Retyn maintains a strict anti-spam policy. We do not adhere to spammy practices, including sending unsolicited emails, newsletters or campaigns without user consent.

Subscription Preferences

Users can opt to subscribe to our services, newsletters and other updates by registering with their email address. Users are free to unsubscribe from our services anytime without hassle.

Third-Party Disclosure

We do not sell, trade or transfer any personally identifiable information to outside parties.

Third-Party Links

Our website does not include or promote third-party products or services.

GDPR-Adherence at Retyn

We believe you should have control over your data. We never collect your information and the only data we use is from the contact form. This data is used to contact you and provide the necessary response.

Data from European citizens is exclusively used to analyze and improve our website, never for other purposes. We do not retain your data beyond what is necessary for website analytics.

Our systems are fully compliant with GDPR regulations set by the EU commission. This means we adhere to data laws which include the following:


Data protection


Data retention & erasure


Data breaches


International data transfers & third-party disclosures

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU initiative designed to give Europeans greater control over their personal data. These policies make sure the data is collected by the website legally and under strict norms. This prevents any loss or misuse of information with proper controls in place.

Copyright Notice

All content provided on our website is copyrighted and protected by law. You cannot use our data for your marketing, reselling or distribution purposes.

You are welcome to download and store materials for personal use. However, you cannot republish, modify or rebrand any of our content. Images and videos from our site cannot be rebranded or used for your business. All the content on our website belongs to us and us only.


We comply with CalOPPA, the data privacy law from the USA and we do not sell email marketing data to any third parties.


We also adhere to CANSPAM regulations. If you unsubscribe our newsletters, we will immediately remove you from all future communications.


Should our systems face any breaches, we will notify you within seven business days.

Grievance Redressal

Any grievance or complaints should be directed to [email protected]

Contact Us

We're happy to answer any questions you have about this privacy policy. Please contact us using the information below.

+971 507912526

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